Our Services

Helping you to help them.

All Auxylios services are built on our three pillars: honoring people, upholding organizational accountability, and being driven by data.

We serve:

Individuals and Families

Personal Social Impact


Businesses and Start-Ups

Corporate Social Impact


Churches and NGOs

Charitable Impact


For Individuals and Families

Join with the millions of people around the world committed to defeating poverty, with a personal social impact plan.


How it works:

Auxylios Spotlight

Want to follow your heart and feed children? That works.

Rebuild a community after a disaster? We got you.

Or maybe you just want to make the biggest impact possible for the money that you can give? We’ll show you how.

Review the Auxylios Spotlight page to find a highly-effective, antipoverty organization. Connect directly with them to begin your support. (Go ahead. It’s a free service, brought to you by Auxylios.)


For Businesses and Start-Ups

Your organization doesn’t just sell a product or service. It also reflects your character, your ideals and your aspirations for a better world.


How it works

Auxylios CSI

We create bespoke, Corporate Social Impact plans for your organization. We’ll match your social impact goals to a local, national or global organization who are engaging in highly-effective, antipoverty activities. We’ll act as the bridge between your company and the recipient organization to ensure your partnership is efficient, effective and enjoyable.

We’ll also provide you with regular updates, so you can share your social impact with employees, customers and key stake-holders.

Auxylios Business Subscriber

Become a business subscriber and become part of the movement. Receive regular insights from the world of antipoverty, opportunities to join live interviews with key people making a big difference, and enjoy a heavily-discounted rate for your CSI plan.


For Churches and NGOs

Join the increasing number of churches and NGOs who are recognizing the importance of specialized training, data and research to guide their charitable decision-making.


How it works

Training and Development

We offer thematic, evidence-based and biblical teaching and training to serve your church, conference or other large-group setting:

  • Keynote speaking

  • Team training

  • Tailored, high-quality research

Your team will be equipped to think more critically, plan more thoroughly, and serve your community more effectively. We will walk you through the steps necessary to increase your impact when helping those in need.

Our speakers have over 20 years of experience, and have taught groups of up to 10,000 people and at some of Europe and North America’s largest churches, including Willow Creek Community Church and Hillsong Church.

Auxylios Church/NGO Subscriber

Become a Church or NGO subscriber and become part of the movement. Receive regular insights from the world of antipoverty, opportunities to join live interviews with key people making a big difference, and enjoy a heavily-discounted rate for your CSI plan.


 Let us help you, help others.